
Our Mission:

Build. Love.

Deploying resources and volunteers to build homes, strengthen communities and create relationships on a foundation of love.


Our Mission

The mission of JSTLV is accomplished by connecting communities in need with contractors and skilled laborers who donate their talents to assist in building homes and rebuilding lives. Through this action model, JSTLV brings hope to those in need and purpose to those who volunteer to serve. 

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Our Impact

On Sept. 3, 2006, Marine Lance Cpl. Shane P. Harris was killed in action during Operation Iraqi Freedom. This devastating loss was a time of unimaginable grief for all those who loved Shane, but with a foundation of deep faith, it also became a pivotal moment for his family. Together, they chose to move forward on a new path – to connect deeply with others in loss, to build relationships based in hope, and to realize new ways to make a difference in the world. That simple family mission led to the establishment of JSTLV in 2015, a charitable endeavor to show love by supporting people in need around the world by building homes and structures to improve their lives.








Thousand Smiles

Get Involved.


Donate Supplies / Volunteer Skilled Labor

Find out how to get involved in our projects by contributing your skills or building supplies.

Make a Donation

100% of your financial gift goes to our mission of delivering skilled laborers to assist in building homes and rebuilding lives.

Construction Management for your organization

Have you ever thought of using mission trips as a way to improve and supplement current programming? We bring skilled labor and experienced leaders to deliver an exceptional mission trip for your organization.